Hypnotherapy to stop smoking

I would like to help companies be more profitable with the use of hypnotherapy.


From 1st October, a 28-day stop-smoking challenge starts, called Stoptober.  The idea being that smokers support one another, and receive support, to quit smoking.  Naturally, some will endorse the use of e-cigarettes, patches and other stop smoking medicines, but is that just replacing one item with another?

It is stated that if people can stop smoking for 28 days, they are 5 times more likely to stop for good.

The Centre for Economics and Business Research states that a smoking employee costs a company £1522 per year (at 2014 rates).  This is due to higher incidences of sickness absence and due to smoking breaks, which was calculated to equate to 136 hours of lost productivity.

Apart from being a body-worker, Tracey of PlumEssence Therapies is also a smoking cessation hypnotherapy specialist.  There are an awful lot of companies that employ quite a lot of smokers (apparently, an average of 20% of a company’s workforce are smokers).

If companies engaged Tracey to help their employees quit smoking, they could save about £1300 per smoking employee.

Consider, how many employees in your company (or one you know of) and calculate how many of them (remember an average of 20%) could be smokers.

The company could save about £1300 per employee, the employees are healthier and wealthier and the company has a better reputation for improving personnel welfare.  Sounds like a win-win to me.

If you would like to consider hypnotherapy to help improve the health and welfare of you and your personnel, then please just get in touch for a no-obligation chat or meet up for a cuppa (I’m happy to pay for the cuppa)

Call Tracey on 01889808388 or email tracey@plumessencetherapies.co.uk

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